Our History
Established in 1954
"A home in the sky is the closest thing to heaven" said the developers of our exclusive mountaintop community. We treasure our breathtaking views that overlook the pleasant town of Front Royal and the Shenandoah Valley.
Our original brochure from 1954
(Click for full brochure)
​​Legends behind our roads names:
(Directly Quoted from Section 3, Plat C, dated January 2, 1957)
Bifrost Way - from Norse mythology, meaning the rainbow bridge which connects the earth
with Asgard, the Citadel of the Gods, gleaming with gold and silver palaces, situated at the zenith.
Worlds End Highway - when Governor Spotswood and his knights of the golden horseshoe first viewed the Shenandoah Valley from atop the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, he exclaimed, "Worlds End'
Ulysses Way - from Greek mythology, Ulysses being the hero of a lifetime odyssey of braving the torments of the damned to once again be at the side of his beloved Penelope.
Khyber Pass - pass through the mountains of Asia through which the Mongol hordes of the eastern
conqueror's, Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan, came to conquer all of India and the then known entire world.
Apollo's Pass - in Greek mythology the god Apollo dwelled at the crest of Mt. Olympus and those favored by the gods were brought to him to be given immortality there.
Inca Road - engineering wonder of the world dating back to 1300 that marched across the top of the Andes beginning in Ecuador and ending ten thousand miles away in Chile over which the Incas maintained the fastest communications system in the world of that day.
Jericho Road - the greatest road of all history over which some of the greatest figures of the bible traversed, including Christ himself, who passed that way to his triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
Cheops' Road - magnificent road, paved 10 feet thick with stone blocks, that Egyptian King Cheops built across desert to the great pyramid employing 100,000 men for ten years, which is the oldest authentic paved road in history.
Wilderness Road - perhaps the most desperately gained and hard-fought-for road in history of
America, blazed through the mountains over the "Warrior's Path", by Daniel Boone, it opened the way for seventy thousand settlers to follow.